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Helping everyone work better together

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Richness and confusion

In cities and towns across the UK and Ireland we work alongside people from different cultural backgrounds. Such diversity brings richness to our lives and confusion. Cultural differences in business often lead to miscommunication and sometimes expensive mistakes. Inability to collaborate smoothly in problem solving or decision making leads to poor morale or worse, resignation. Recruitment is expensive. Retraining is inefficient. How can we build competent multi cultural teams who understand each other and communicate well? How can we help colleagues settle 'here' and adapt to life and work in a new place? Providing leadership and motivation needs great finesse. 

What help do you need?

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What do you see?

Appreciating each other's unique perspective requires us to be aware of our own cultural glasses through which we see (and judge) everything else. Cultural awareness training matched to the specific cultures present begins this process of mutual intercultural appreciation. Orientation to the new 'here' requires more than information. It involves transformation through personal reflection which leads to authentic adaptation to a new culture.

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Bilingual and bi-cultural

I lived in Japan and worked in Japanese for 18 years as part of an organisation with 1400 colleagues from 35 countries working across South East and East Asia.

Japanese say "When we talk to you we don't think of you as a foreigner" not because I speak with near native proficiency but because I relate to them as a Japanese would. Indirectly. Subtly. Quite the opposite of when I am being a straight talking Yorkshireman living in Northern Ireland.

The long process of learning to live authentically in cultures as different as the UK and Japan has given me a deep understanding of how to navigate intercultural issues and how to help you do the same wherever you live and work.

I am a member of SIETAR (UK) and an accredited trainer of Crossing Cultures with Competence Course (Training of Trainers, Interchange Institute). 

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Helping you see things differently

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If your office has two colleagues from France, an Indian and a Spaniard there will be some confusion.

How to communicate, when and to whom you speak, and even why you choose to communicate are all culturally moderated. 

After introductory modules on "What is culture?" there are interactive sessions on such issues as how different cultures approach interpersonal relationships, problem solving, teamwork, time management and decision making. 

Courses are bespoke to the cultures of the participants and look at specific issues relevant to the specific work situations of those present.



If you are now 'here' in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland, what questions are you asking?

What confuses you?

What would you like explained?

"Everything here is so encoded" remarked a American woman who moved to Belfast more than 20 years ago.

These seminars provide an overview of the country and how its history has influenced cultural values. Discover the main points of difference between your culture and the new 'here'. 

Offered with attention to the culture you have come from, the seminar also addresses culture shock and how to look after the needs of accompanying family. 

Going overseas to work?

If your new 'here' is going to be somewhere 'over there', there are country specific seminars delivered to prepare you for living and working in a new culture. Japan? Egypt? Italy? Brazil? Wherever you are going go prepared.



How do I deal with my nerves? I want to connect more with my audience. How do I prepare a talk? How long should I speak? 

Coaching is individual and tailored to the level of competence of the client. Many areas can be addressed; use of voice, body language, audience focus, story telling, time management, fielding questions, structure, delivery speed, use of illustrations, visual aids.

I have spoken over a thousand times to 50-100 people in Japanese as well as countless times in English. 

Improve your communication skills and learn to be more yourself up front. 

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